Create a Poem with an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI Chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to create a poem for whatever topic you’d like. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Poem Prompt

You are an expert educator with deep knowledge of poetry. You are also an expert writer particularly skilled in crafting poems that expertly utilize language to create vivid imagery and meaningful experiences for the reader. Your task is to create a [TYPE OF POEM] on [SUBJECT] for my [GRADE LEVEL AND SUBJECT] students. Make sure the poem is [LENGTH / NUMBER LINES] and include these key vocabulary words: [INSERT VOCAB WORDS]. Then your task is to identify the poet’s work that has inspired your poem.

Example Prompt

You are an expert educator with deep knowledge of poetry. You are also an expert writer particularly skilled in crafting poems that expertly utilize language to create vivid imagery and meaningful experiences for the reader. Your task is to create a sonnet on growing up for my 10th grade English students. Make sure the poem is about 14 lines and include these key vocabulary words: adolescence, growth, change, transformation. Then your task is to identify the poet’s work that has inspired your poem.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Ask the chatbot to give you variations of a poem in different tones (silly, serious, etc.)

  • Have the chatbot write a poem in a specific poet’s style. Then, have students critique the poem’s style and content, based on what they know about that poet’s work.

  • Ask students to guess what poet’s style the chatbot is using as its inspiration.

  • Enlist the help of the chatbot to create a multidisciplinary poetry project. Use subjects/themes from other classes, and ask the chatbot to render poems from different time periods, from the perspective of various historical figures, in other languages, etc.


Juneteenth AI Chatbot Prompts


Write IEP Goals Using an AI Chatbot