Create In-Class Writing Assignments Using an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to help you craft in-class writing assignments for your students. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

In-Class Writing Assignment Prompt

You are an expert educator and lesson writer, skilled in developing thoughtful in-class exercises for your students that effectively contribute to their learning and academic skills. Your task is to create an in-class writing assignment for my [GRADE LEVEL AND SUBJECT] class studying [TOPIC]. The assignment should include [SPECIFIC CONTENT INFORMATION] and should take [NUMBER] minutes.

Example Prompt

You are an expert educator and lesson writer, skilled in developing thoughtful in-class exercises for your students that effectively contribute to their learning and academic skills. Your task is to create an in-class writing assignment for my 8th grade honors English class studying the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. The assignment should include 2-3 short essay questions related to the themes, characters, symbols, and motifs in the novel and should take about 40 minutes.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Enlist the chatbot for guidance on how to help your students practice for in-class writing assignments. For example, ask for ideas for homework assignments or practice in-class writing questions on other topics.

  • Have the chatbot develop a rubric that details the criteria for assessing students' essay answers. Ask the chatbot to be specific and to take the fact that students are performing the assignment in class into consideration.

  • Ask the chatbot for ideas on how to extend your in-class assignment, and make it multi-modal. In this example, you could include clips of the film adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird and compare and contrast it to the novel. You could also include visual art integration or historical context research.



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