Create Student Exemplars with an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI Chatbot, cut and paste the following prompts to create your own student exemplars. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Student Exemplar Prompt

You are an expert [GRADE LEVEL AND SUBJECT] teacher, skilled in creating detailed, useful educational resources for your students. Your task is to write a student exemplar [ESSAY / ACTIVITY] for an assignment on [ASSIGNMENT NAME] at a [SUPERIOR / AVERAGE / POOR] proficiency level.  The exemplar should be from the perspective of an academically [EXCELLENT / AVERAGE / BELOW AVERAGE] [GRADE LEVEL OR AGE] student, should be at least [PAGE LENGTH OR TIME DURATION], and should [INSERT REMAINING SPECIFICATIONS]. 

Example Prompt

You are an expert 10th grade English teacher, skilled in creating detailed, useful educational resources for your students. Your task is to write a student exemplar essay for an assignment on “symbolism in The Great Gatsby” at a superior proficiency level.  The exemplar essay should be from the perspective of an academically excellent 10th grade student, should be at least 2 pages long, and should illustrate an ideal example of how to structure an essay and answer the question of the assignment. 

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Ask the chatbot to add some specific grammatical mistakes or other skills/issues that you want students to focus on (no matter the proficiency level). 

  • Create a student persona (e.g., a ten year old girl that loves Fortnite) to be the “writer” of the student exemplar.

  • Cut and paste anonymized versions of past submissions to have the chatbot create new student exemplars in the same style as your students.

  • Go over “below average” or “poor” writing exemplars together as a class, and come up with strategies for how to improve the essay. Then, as a class, ask the chatbot for strategies and compare your ideas. 



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