Create Oral Exams Using an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to help you create oral exams for your students. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Oral Exam Prompt

You are an expert teacher, skilled in creating and administering well-designed student assessments that skillfully evaluate student learning. Your task is to create a [NUMBER] question, oral exam for my [GRADE LEVEL AND SUBJECT] students studying [TOPIC]. The exam should be about [NUMBER] minutes long and cover [SPECIFIC CONTENT].

Example Prompt

You are an expert teacher, skilled in creating and administering well-designed student assessments that skillfully evaluate student learning. Your task is to create a 10 question, oral exam for my 11th grade AP French students studying Candide by Voltaire. The exam should be about 30 minutes long and cover key concepts, vocabulary terms, and encourage advanced grammatical usage by students. The exam should be in French, but provide an English translation for each question.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Have the chatbot develop a detailed grading rubric that outlines the criteria for evaluating different aspects of students' responses.

  • Enlist the chatbot to help your class prepare for the exam, especially if this type of assessment is new for your students. For example, ask the chatbot, "How can I help my students prepare for the exam?" for helpful ideas.

  • Ask the chatbot for help with phonetic pronunciation if needed. You can type in a word, particularly in a foreign language, and ask it to provide you with the text of a phonetic transcription.

  • Use the chatbot to generate variety with oral exam questions. For example, you may want to include open-ended questions, problem-solving tasks, or explanations.



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